Saturday, December 10, 2011


 well,its all in place! the government has labeled almost every one a terrorist.(even protesters are now "low level terrorists") . legislation is allready in place for declaration of martial law. with the patriot act and now the bill passed that enables "enemy combatants ' to be rounded up and detained for life with out even a benefit of a  trial? how long do you think it will be before "domestic terrorists"(christians,pro lifers, nra members,constatutionalists ,gov' corruption activists ,any activists,truthers,anonymous members, etc,...) , are labelled enemy combatants? thats what they are planning behind the scenes . our food is poisened,our drink, the costs of living make most of us live from paycheck to paycheck .deadly vaccines desighned to kill us slowly and make us infertile .just the begining. the lists go on and on . i've learned much through research. all this can be found if you are willing to look for it.i advise everyone to educate themselves before the governments totaly control and censor the internet or shut it down completely.(presidential order passed enable our pres to shut down EVERYTHING  at his say so.(he just has to declare a national emergency= he wet his pants etc...). EMERGENCY POWERS  and other stuff allready on the books.
why the title HELL ON EARTH ? the bible gives me info on the future. book of revalations; 4 horseman = 1st =world conqueror comes on the scene that destroys many through "peace' . 2cd horseman =total war ..not only countries but nieghbor slaying nieghbor  when peace is removed from the earth. 3rd = WORLDWIDE FAMINE (researchers can see how this is allready being set up by genetical tampering with everything! estimates say something of the  nature that we are planet wide, only a few harvests away from famine if things go badly) 4th death with hades following him to KILL A FOURTH OF THE EARTH  with famine ,pestalence,sword(total war ), and by the beasts of the earth.  thats just the start .to sum up what happens this world leader takes over the whole world and because of the amazing miracles his false prophet performs the whole world will worship him as god -on-earth!. he forces everyone rich,great,small ,free and slave to recieve his mark on the right hand or forehead so that no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark.(researchers allready have the proof of a world wide monatary system being implamented =cashless ,micro chipped.).  there will be worldwide slaughter of everyone that doesn't worship the beast! EVIL WINS! ...BUT after most of the world is slaughtered ITS GOD'S TURN! all that ally themselves with the anti-christ now have GODS wrath to deal with. and believe me ,you don't want to share their punishment! what these evil people do to the people of the earth will seem like a tickle compared to how they are going to suffer for their evil deeds! then JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY returns to earth ! so powerful HE DESTROYS ALL THE ARMIES OF THE EARTH  WITH THE POWER OF HIS SPOKEN WORD! so powerful all the massed armies of the earth are destroyed merely by his spoken word. YES HELL ON EARTH IS COMING! why do i believe all this?because as even non christian researchers can see ;one world government,one world religion, one world economic system is allready being put in place. i see a book of prophesy (GOD TELLING PERSON WHAT TO SAY/WRITE) over a thousand years old being played out before my eyes. PLUS biblical prophets have a prooven track record of their prophecies being 100% accurate ;even about events that happened hundreds or thousands of years later! no witch, mystic,fortune teller or other forth teller even comes close to 100% accuracy! (read estimates that they are considerd good if they even get their predictions 20% accurate). read the book of revalations for yourself to learn more about whats coming.alot of hard to interpret symbolism but enough info is there to give you a good general idea of how its all going to play out. hate christians/christianity? i wouldn't blame you because of the anti-christian propaganda ,the bloody history of the catholic church,(not really christians,you can prove it by researching their doctrines and history), the scamming going on on "christian" tv and in alot of churches.know this ;god really loves humanity and true christians love  people also. wish you all well and may you be blessed with the truth to set you free.

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