Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Are modern bibles the infallible word of God? Short answer ;  certainly not!  BEFORE YOU SCREAM "HERETIC" !!!  I  believe what the scriptures say about themselves " Holy men of old spoke ( and wrote ) as the Holy spirit moved them!"  Why then my statement?  I have the LORD himself to thank . First through others the first time around hinting that i should research the issue of modern translations.  This time around ,about four years or more ago, the Holy spirit kept bringing the issue to mind now and again.  I had a computer this time and decided to research the issue and find out what the Holy spirit was telling me. What i found astonished me!  HUNDREDS OF VERSES DELETED ,CHANGED/REWORDED ,AND ADDITIONS NOT FOUND IN THE ORIGINAL SCRIPTURES!   Most modern translations rely heavily on the Alexandrian texts which were heavily influenced by gnosticism. Sorry "King James 1611 only people" but that version of the bible while good (most of the translation was done from the majority texts which were copies of copies of the original scriptures ) the problem though is when translating the 1611 ,alot of the majority text was not available so the translators used the Latin Vulgate to "fill in the blanks" . There are many more errors also.  That being said; it is a great version if not for the outdated ,confusing language of the era.  The most reliable translations are taken from the majority texts only ."Experts " will say the Alexandrian Texts are older and therefore more reliable . NOT TRUE!  The copies found are physically older , but the earliest church writings all quoted ,almost verbatim , the same scriptures the same way which proves the authenticity and reliability of the Majority Texts.  The NIV  translation project was headed by known and admitted occultists !THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL SUPERVISING THE TRANSLATING OF THE WORD OF GOD!? Outrageous!  As a young Cristian i didn't know any better and used the NIV almost exclusively.  The NEW KING JAMES VERSION has the triple goddess interlocking design boldly emblazoned on the cover ! (  Most will say it is a design to represent the Holy trinity but it is a lie or at best an ignorant parroting of a lie. It always has been and always will be a goddess symbol.)  That translation also has many errors. Amplified bibles and paraphrases  are to be avoided like the plague .(God pronounces a curse on those that add to his words or take away from his words both in Revelations  and also in the Old Testament so do not believe the lie that those curses apply only to those that tamper with the BOOK OF REVELATIONS.)  Now I confirm my utmost belief that " Holy men of old spoke (and wrote) as led by the Holy Spirit " ABSOLUTELY! That being said ; servants of  Satan and ignorant people have mutilated the Holy Bible.  Stay away from commentary  bibles also . The scriptures speak clearly for themselves. Whole systems of false theology came from these ( Scofield  ,though not the originater of dispensationalism  spread it's popularity tremendously through his commentary bible .)  Cults and false doctrine  are easily formed by picking and choosing scriptures to make the bible appear to say what they want it to say.( Calvinism, Jehovahs' Witnesses ...etc.). I love God's Holy scriptures ,and I hate the vomit translations passed off as the Word of God .( An example is =the NIV says Joseph was JESUS'S  father ! Jesus was the the only begotten son of the one true God ! Joseph was Mary's husband not Jesus' father! ) You might assume it was an honest oversight but in reality it was delibertly  put there to slander and belittle Christs' divinity! I  will attach two links .One on NIV ,and one on KING JAMES 1611 VERSION. There are numerous others . Your best bet is to find a translation based on the majority texts ONLY and the best Greek interlinear  bible you can find . Always remember ; if you are a true son/daughter of God you have the living WORD inside of you to let you know if something is amiss ,just be attentive. PLEASE research this prayerfully ;others understanding of the faith may depend on it ,or their destiny. The NIV link will be an eye opener for you but do not stop there .The deceptions go deep. May God bless you all. One more on NIV =3rd link ( I do  not adhere to some of the things the sight promotes ,but for this blogs purposes -focus on the information about the NIV )




These three  links will get you going . BE DILIGENT! others are depending on God's true children to teach them God's word .

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