Sunday, December 25, 2011


at the begining of humanity a fallen cherub ,full of hatred towards gods new creation, slips into a paradisical garden and introduces EVIL to an innocent but unwary humanity. in the form of a serpent he seduces eve to eat the forbiden fruit with the promise (lie) that she shall become like god ,knowing good and evil.she buys it and eats, her husband also -dooming mankind with death,evil,disease ,suffering, etc.
       a story most of you are familiar with and have probably dismissed as nonsense.not me.since earliest childhood i've researched ancient cultures,religions,mythologies,and magikal systems/beliefs. almost universaly the serpent is either represented as divine and bringer of enlightenment or a symbol for the life force ,and some pre-christian religions regarded it as a symbol of absolute evil.hinduism regards it as sacred and kundalini power is key to their system of theology represented as a snake curled at the base of the spine needing to be awakened to achieve enlightenment and godhood.voodoo and its african roots worship the serpent as divine life giver ; a system more ancient than egypt itself.seen the medical asocciations symbol lately?POINT =from ancient humanity the snake is almost universally a giver of wisdom /life force .this lends credability to the biblical account in my mind because all these cultures around the globe got the idea that the serpent is divine from some common scource.
        ARE WE GODS? no we are beings made in the image of a loving creator but thoroughly currupted with evil and imperfection.the new age movement ,satanists,magicians, religions like hinduism, and "new" psychology would disagree.they all have systems for achieving self realisation ,tapping into your divinity,or achieving godhood.the process and techniques are varied but the end result is the same=you gain control of your spirit which most humanity has laying dormant to a large degree.(astral travel,telepathy, etc,+much more).PROBLEM =most human beings are not born with enough power to "awaken" their spirit and need help from outside forces to achieve awakening.all the occult technologies involved in doing this opens oneself up to the spiritual realm until one can directly see and hear the spirit realm.(see my article on all seeing eye).PROBLEM =the creator does not want fallen man to do this. why? because the only beings that will do this for you are fallen angels commenly called demons.why?because they want slaves!they lure people into the occult,new age,etc. with the promise of enlightenment/godhood .by calling on the demons/angels/"gods"/or unversal life force (the occults idea of god )-the practitioner slowly(or instantly,depending on system) opens themselves up to demonic influence.peaceful feelings,ecstacy,seeming "psychic "powers visitations of spirit beings (any form they choose depending on indivdual-demon,angel,gods,forces,ghosts,cosmic forces...etc.). the deeper the indivdual gets opens themselves up further and further towards full demon possesion.SLAVES!once sufficiently possesed absolute control is gained over the individuals life.told what to do,what to eat,who to associate with, take over of the persons personality,body,and when fully possesed hours or days go by in a blackout (missing time).thats when the demon/demons/force your conciousness down and totally take you over and use your body for their own purposes.(trance channelars/mediums do this willingly =letting the spirits use them as a vessel to communicate with inquirer).SO ARE WE GODS =NEVER! going down the path towards your own "godhood" will end up leading to slavery to evil angels that are far more powerful than us grieves me in my research to see sincere researchers present the truth to the world about the elite/forces that rule the world but offer solutions like ,find your divinity,attune to the cosmic will,etc.THIS LEADS PEOPLE DOWN THE SAME ROAD TO SLAVERY THAT THOSE IN POWER ARE ON!most of those "on top'were raised in satanist/luciferian families.they have usually been subject to personality splitting(mpd,satanic ritual abuse,) with layers of demonic forces in each seperate personality. if you know about these things you can understand their inhuman cold bloodedness.THEY ARE NO LONGER TRULY HUMAN.they are merely vessals evil angels use as a body to do their will on earth.

SO,ARE WE GODS?= well, can you create an objective universe as expansive as ours by merely speaking the word?can you create a planet with such an intricant ecosystem that  everything depends on everything else to  function properly?can you create matter out of nothing?(keep in mind one tree converted into pure nuclear power would power california for years).do you have that kind of power?can you create angels?beings so powerful one can slay hundreds of thousands of humans by himself that will also last forever?you have that kind of creative wisdom and power?do you know everything that will ever happen from the begining of time to the end of time before it even happens?including every thought,feeling,and action of every living thing that ever was or ever will be?i think you might be getting the picture! SORCERERS  can make things /objects appear out of nowhere/nothing but its not their power its the power of the evil angels controlling them. SO ARE WE GODS? if you still believe so you will find you are sadly mistaken and will end up a slave!the truth will set you free. bless you all.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


 well,its all in place! the government has labeled almost every one a terrorist.(even protesters are now "low level terrorists") . legislation is allready in place for declaration of martial law. with the patriot act and now the bill passed that enables "enemy combatants ' to be rounded up and detained for life with out even a benefit of a  trial? how long do you think it will be before "domestic terrorists"(christians,pro lifers, nra members,constatutionalists ,gov' corruption activists ,any activists,truthers,anonymous members, etc,...) , are labelled enemy combatants? thats what they are planning behind the scenes . our food is poisened,our drink, the costs of living make most of us live from paycheck to paycheck .deadly vaccines desighned to kill us slowly and make us infertile .just the begining. the lists go on and on . i've learned much through research. all this can be found if you are willing to look for it.i advise everyone to educate themselves before the governments totaly control and censor the internet or shut it down completely.(presidential order passed enable our pres to shut down EVERYTHING  at his say so.(he just has to declare a national emergency= he wet his pants etc...). EMERGENCY POWERS  and other stuff allready on the books.
why the title HELL ON EARTH ? the bible gives me info on the future. book of revalations; 4 horseman = 1st =world conqueror comes on the scene that destroys many through "peace' . 2cd horseman =total war ..not only countries but nieghbor slaying nieghbor  when peace is removed from the earth. 3rd = WORLDWIDE FAMINE (researchers can see how this is allready being set up by genetical tampering with everything! estimates say something of the  nature that we are planet wide, only a few harvests away from famine if things go badly) 4th death with hades following him to KILL A FOURTH OF THE EARTH  with famine ,pestalence,sword(total war ), and by the beasts of the earth.  thats just the start .to sum up what happens this world leader takes over the whole world and because of the amazing miracles his false prophet performs the whole world will worship him as god -on-earth!. he forces everyone rich,great,small ,free and slave to recieve his mark on the right hand or forehead so that no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark.(researchers allready have the proof of a world wide monatary system being implamented =cashless ,micro chipped.).  there will be worldwide slaughter of everyone that doesn't worship the beast! EVIL WINS! ...BUT after most of the world is slaughtered ITS GOD'S TURN! all that ally themselves with the anti-christ now have GODS wrath to deal with. and believe me ,you don't want to share their punishment! what these evil people do to the people of the earth will seem like a tickle compared to how they are going to suffer for their evil deeds! then JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY returns to earth ! so powerful HE DESTROYS ALL THE ARMIES OF THE EARTH  WITH THE POWER OF HIS SPOKEN WORD! so powerful all the massed armies of the earth are destroyed merely by his spoken word. YES HELL ON EARTH IS COMING! why do i believe all this?because as even non christian researchers can see ;one world government,one world religion, one world economic system is allready being put in place. i see a book of prophesy (GOD TELLING PERSON WHAT TO SAY/WRITE) over a thousand years old being played out before my eyes. PLUS biblical prophets have a prooven track record of their prophecies being 100% accurate ;even about events that happened hundreds or thousands of years later! no witch, mystic,fortune teller or other forth teller even comes close to 100% accuracy! (read estimates that they are considerd good if they even get their predictions 20% accurate). read the book of revalations for yourself to learn more about whats coming.alot of hard to interpret symbolism but enough info is there to give you a good general idea of how its all going to play out. hate christians/christianity? i wouldn't blame you because of the anti-christian propaganda ,the bloody history of the catholic church,(not really christians,you can prove it by researching their doctrines and history), the scamming going on on "christian" tv and in alot of churches.know this ;god really loves humanity and true christians love  people also. wish you all well and may you be blessed with the truth to set you free.


no caps here 'cept for emphasis.THE ALL SEEING EYE .most people know by now the all seeing eye is a smybol for LUCIFER ! its one of the symbols the illuminati love to throw in the faces of everyone everywhere because most people don't have a clue that it means anything. (nikalodeon,time warner cable,the dollar bill etc...) .. yes LUCIFER IS THE WORLD SHAKERS "gOD". luciferians believe lucifer is god but ADONAY (their name for the GOD of the bible),is also GOD. ONLY ... lucifer is the god of liberation and enlightenment and the God of the bible is dark,evil,reppresive, and against human developement. WHAT MOST PEOPLE DONT KNOW IS THAT THE ALL SEEING EYE IS ALSO THE SYMBOL OF THE ENLIGHTENED ONES, OR AWAKENED ONES.  if you know anything about hinduism or the CHAKRA systems of yoga =this is the meaning of the all seeing eye. in kundalini yoga the purpose is to raise the kundalini (serpent energy) that resides at the base of the spine up through the chakras to empower each one in order to open them up. this proccess leads them to "god-hood "or enlightenment . the third eye chakra when awakened enables the practitioner to DIRECTLY SEE , HEAR, AND INTERACT WITH THE SPIRIT WORLD. what's invisible to the rest of humanity is now a visably seen everday reality to them. now there is all sorts of methods and magikal techniques to awaken this ability but the end result is the same.hence ALL SEEING EYE = THOSE THAT ARE AWAKENED AND DIRECTLY SEE AND COMMUNICATE WITH THE SPIRIT WORLD.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


hey every one.there are new moves of the HOLY SPIRIT all over the place.or is it? it is not the HOLY SPIRIT! .it is decieving spirits=demons pretending to be the HOLY SPIRIT! how do i know this? because i've been there and done that.a presence pretending to be the holy spirit ,like a cool breese upon my spirit.sometimes filling me with joy,light,ecstacy.only problem is the lord revealed to me it was not the holy spirit but a demon counterfiting  a jesse penn lewis's book "WAR ON THE SAINTS".book details counterfitting spirits and their stratagies to decieve's a classic and can be read online many places plus you can print it out and share with your friends that might be caught up in toronto blessing,charismania,or pentacostalism.yes i believe the holy spirit is active in the church;no one can become a christian without him.however these are days of great scripture says many are giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons,being drawn away from jesus because of a thirst for sensations,miracles,and sighns and wonders.this grieves face book group-for christians only-has tons of articles and videos on this subject.don't be so proud as to think you are beyond deception.jesus said the false sighns and wonders of the end days decievers are going to be so convincing that even the elect might be tempted to believe them.humble yourself,view the documentation and pray to the lord about this.i have a great burden for these brothers and sisters departing the faith because  of deception.share any post or video in the group with someone you know that is caught up in this stuff.their eternal destiny might depend on it."you shall know the truth and it shall set you blessed.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Nowhere in the new testament are Christians commanded to give ten percent of their gross income to God or the church.Tithing is old covenant stuff=Christians are under a new covenant.Tithing in the old testament was for herdsman and farmers giving  tithes of their crops/animals to feed the Levite priests.Ithad nothing to do with people giving MONEY to God.So churches that lie to,rob,and threaten their flock with a curse from God if they don't"tithe" are doing Satans' work.Harsh statement you say?Well,didn't Jesus say that all liars and those that love and practice a falsehood are going to the lake of fire?Who's  the father of lies?=Satan...therefore churches that teach this are doing the devils work.The bible says each should give as he sees fit,neither grudgingly or under compulsion,for God loves a cheerful giver.Bottom line?FREE WILL OFFERINGS no 10 % command.Don't believe me?Do the research.


YAHWEH is not God's name

the name YAHWEH is not Gods name!it is a name based on sloppy interpretation of what's called the tetragrammaton(sacred 4 letter name of "God" inserted in the old testament by babalonian jewish scribes in the place of God's actual covenant name in old testament scriptures.all throughout "churchianity"this name is being used to address the heavenly's blasphemy!the tetragrammaton is a kabbalistic(jewish magik and mysticism),formula used  extensively in all sorts of magikal  spells and invocations.don't b misled by "churchianity"!to see the research look up the face book group -for christians only- all the documentation and proof is there.(whole subject is also called sacred name movement).videos and posts.