Tuesday, October 11, 2011


hey every one.there are new moves of the HOLY SPIRIT all over the place.or is it? it is not the HOLY SPIRIT! .it is decieving spirits=demons pretending to be the HOLY SPIRIT! how do i know this? because i've been there and done that.a presence pretending to be the holy spirit ,like a cool breese upon my spirit.sometimes filling me with joy,light,ecstacy.only problem is the lord revealed to me it was not the holy spirit but a demon counterfiting  a presense.read jesse penn lewis's book "WAR ON THE SAINTS".book details counterfitting spirits and their stratagies to decieve christians.it's a classic and can be read online many places plus you can print it out and share with your friends that might be caught up in toronto blessing,charismania,or pentacostalism.yes i believe the holy spirit is active in the church;no one can become a christian without him.however these are days of great deception.like scripture says many are giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons,being drawn away from jesus because of a thirst for sensations,miracles,and sighns and wonders.this grieves me.my face book group-for christians only-has tons of articles and videos on this subject.don't be so proud as to think you are beyond deception.jesus said the false sighns and wonders of the end days decievers are going to be so convincing that even the elect might be tempted to believe them.humble yourself,view the documentation and pray to the lord about this.i have a great burden for these brothers and sisters departing the faith because  of deception.share any post or video in the group with someone you know that is caught up in this stuff.their eternal destiny might depend on it."you shall know the truth and it shall set you free.be blessed.

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