People often ask me what I know about vampires after talking to me or reading my book "DEATH OF A SORCERER". I replied to someone telling him all i knew( though many others know way more). so I am going to paste my reply as a blog in case anyone asks again.FIRSTLY: the blood is the life- bible quote . God forbade the eating or drinking of blood to the isrealites -so much so that he threatened to curse and cut off from the people anyone that drank blood. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE = somehow the blood is the link between the body and spirit . the shedding of blood was also reffered to the giving of life. bible- life for life = sin has a death sentence so a life needed to be taken to atone for it.jesus the final ,ultimate blood sacrafice for all. that was just the background on blood itself. DIFFERANT TYPES OF VAMPIRES- will go through in no particular order. HUMAN BLOOD DRINKERS/VAMPIRES ,as you probably ran accross in your studies people get into the vamp subculture and become sanguarians =blood drinkers. this is a real addiction , a strong high is gotten from it .a former high ranking occultist said it was more addictive than heroin. satanists and other black magicians use alot of blood in their rituals ;believing that the spiritual power of the person/sacrifice can be aquired by drinking their blood. certain black magik rituals require the slow methodic torture and terrorising of the victum to raise the chemical levels in the victem (forgot which bodily chemicals) to extreme levels and when drunk is a super powerful high. also human sacrafice and bloodletting are required in a lot of rituals to summon certain powerful demons. PSYCHIC VAMPIRES ; these come in two classes unintentional and purposeful. if you re-read my book it tells my own personal ritual to vampirise energy from others.there are many psychic vampires that use similar techniques. UNINTENTIONAL = people cronically ill or have energy leaks making them constantly low on vitality. ever been around a certain person that you leave their company feeling drained ? u were probably a victum of an unintentional vampire. read a book called "the occult truth about vampires" (author barely talked about a 3rd of it) , anyways his psychic eyes saw tendriles coming off an unintentional vampire and attaching/ leeching energy of anyone close enough. VAMPIRE SORCERY ; sorcerers /witches that are highly adapt to astral travel somtimes dothis kind of vampirisim. they leave their physical body in their astral ,or spirit, body ,and travel to a victums dwelling .(usually at night but not always) .they then vampirise the victems energy /vitality. (dont think its ritualised, probably more intuitive like how i vampirised -only out of body. ASTRAL VAMPIRES - their is a realm ,many actually, that are like the dream realm and often sorcerers and astral vamps can enter peoples dreams. i had the majority of my encounters with vampires this way. one i remember off hand was a hot babe showing mwe her stuff /seducing me and when i got closer she opened her mouth and i watched her fangs grow. long and sharp. i had this happen often in the dream world but it was so long ago i dont remember much of them. ALIESTER CROWLEY supposeddly had a magikal battle with mathers where he sent 40 or more vampires to attack him. so i'm supposing they can be summoned and sent to attack others . only they dont work the same as demons and there are extra cautions when summoning them. personally i never really used spells per se .i was demon possessed at 9 and satanist at 11 . i had a direct relationship with the demonic realm .(besides high ranking witches and sorcerers admit the magic circle and such doesn't really protect them ,the demons prety much do as they please. word of warnibg from story i heard froma highranker using ritual magik.they summoned a demon and thought they were safe in circle . the guys phone rang and he reached outside the circle to answer it.only it was an auditory illusion caused by the demon and when the guy reached outside the circle he vanished -taken by the demon in front of everyone present ,never to be seen again. PHYSICAL VAMPIRES. - many deep into the occult have had encounters with these creatures . heard many tales from former occultists about it. i recount in my book my encounter with a kid named fozzy that was half vampire. his arms would blister and swell in the sun and dissapear after a little while back in the shade. u can read the whole story in my book. apparently that kind of vampirism is passed on by a virus type thing(dont know if its purely viral or a mix of supernatural viral) called the trait. from his story when one becomes infected the transformation starts but is only completed by very powerful magikal rituals. SEXUAL VAMPIRES - these individuals drain the life force from others when they have intercourse with them. THATS ABOUT ALL I KNOW ABOUT VAMPS BUT WERE WOLVES AND OTHER WERE BEASTS ARE ALSO REAL. I'LL PUT A LINK HERE ABOUT VAMPS AND W' WOLVES. I TOLD YOU WAY MORE ABOUT VAMPIRES THAN THIS VIDEO WILL BUT.... PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE STUFF ABOUT WERE WOLVES - 100 % ACCURATE,HAD SOME RUN INS WITH THE BUGGERS MYSELF, THE FIRST HAND ACCOUNTS WILL TELL YOU ALOT.I'D FAST FOWARD PAST THE VAMP STUFF HE PRESENTS( I TOLD U WAY MORE THAN HE WILL) AND GET TO THE WEREWOLF STUFF .HOPE I'VE BEEN HELPFUL ,BUT THE SPECIFIC RITUALS FOR BECOMING OR SUMMONING A VAMP ARE OUT THERE BUT EVEN SOME OF THE HIGHEST RANKING SORCERERS /WITCHES NEVER EVENHEAR THE TRUTH ABOUT THESE CREATURES.
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